Life's lessons


                                   Another Lesson Learned

        I will have to say this blog came to me very unexpected and of course in a very unexpected setting.  I happened to be out shoveling poo, yes poo, my real professional job  and realized that some recent controversy brought to my attention, has been on my mind more than it should.   It is inevitable that at some point us humans will disagree and we have a choice of agreeing to disagree or judge.   Guilty as charged, I know there have been many times in my life that I have judged others for their opinions and felt I was right in doing so.  Or should I say righteous?   I believe there is always a lesson to learn.  It took me a long time to reach a point of glass half full vs. half empty.  I'm challenged daily, challenged to understand the lesson to be learned.  There is always something good in everything we perceive as bad, it's our choice whether to find that good or continue to focus on the bad.    There has been some recent discussion that has really challenged me to defend or not to defend my view on the subject.  I've viewed all the comments and tried to remain neutral, we all have a right to our opinions right?  Today it finally hit me, the reason I've not been able to let it go is because I was waiting to find the lesson to be learned and I thought I would share that epiphany.  As much as I feel I have gained in the emotional fitness category, something challenges me to help me realize again that the journey never ends.  This game of life is going to always have challenges.  Challenges are just beautiful lessons in disguise.  

      The opinions were discussed with great conviction and passion.  A few years ago I would have viewed the discussion as a negative, now I see it very different.  You know if we all thought the same, spoke the same, reacted the same, life would be pretty darn boring wouldn't it.   I want to thank you all who participated for once again reminding me that no matter where you are in your journey others may be in a very different place and that's okay.  We all have a right to be where we are in our journey, I don't need to defend nor judge.  This was a very valuable lesson for me and one that I needed to be reminded of at just the right time.  I know I will make mistakes and you can bet I will learn something everyday whether the lessons are from humans, experiences, or our wonderful animal companions.

      I can only hope that as I learn I continue to be humbled and I continue to do my best to respond to what life gives me through inspiration not replayed memories.  After all using our intuition is a God given gift, a gift I plan on using as one of my best allies.  For every experience I encounter, good or bad, I challenge myself to learn from it, journal if I need to but learn from it.  Not an easy task, but one that has enriched my life.  I am very grateful to everyone that has contributed to my growth.       

  For the love of horses,  Marie


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