For the Love of the Horse, A look in the Mirror


      For the Love of the Horse, A look in the Mirror

For everything that is perceived as bad usually comes a lesson.  Some call that a silver lining,  a new perspective and if we are fortunate enough we will go within and become curious.  Human nature can  cause us to lash out, blame or stay in our little box of comfort and become defensive to avoid looking within.  In lieu of recent events in the horse world there has been a little of all of the above.  Only looking at one side of the equation creates bias and we lose the ability to see the larger more important picture.  In this particular case looking at our own values, morals and integrity.  We try not to judge yet it comes so easily, especially if we have spent most of our life with these incredible sentient beings trying to be the best we can be for them.

We can hope that the event with this Olympian will spread more awareness to the horse community and create conversation.   Yet what lens are we looking from.  There are many levels of subjugation and abuse, most often covered up by what society has deemed okay.  This doesn’t always mean the individuals doing this have enough awareness to do better.  They know what they know.  Most sports are individual or teamed entities.  An equestrian on the other hand has a completely different goal.  How can we interact with another species to develop a communication allowing two individuals to become one and achieve extraordinary things? 

 I am not here to point fingers to any one discipline, organization or individual.  What I am requesting is that we all look within.  Get curious about our own philosophy with these amazing beings and continue to learn, grow and be better for the horse.  Let’s not assume that we are doing everything right just because we see an extreme situation.  Let's not assume that we cannot learn something from other philosophies.  

Moving forward I think we have to also assess our rules, guidelines and most of all information we are sharing to the horse community.  Let’s face it, anyone can hang a shingle out and become a trainer. .  It is a HUGE responsibility to represent what we feel is best for the horse.  Do we have an awareness of what healthy movement truly is, do we know what are the important structures of the horses body that are important to attain healty movement. Healthy movement for wellness and longevity.  Not a trend!   Again society has led us to believe that if one is a professional they must know better. 

There are many professionals all the way up to the Olympics that have questionable methods.

I know for me those I choose to learn from are forever learners, they have humility and know that learning to interact with horses is something we will be learning until we take our last breath.  The most important teacher is the horse.  How can we look within and continue to ask ourselves , “How can we go out every day with a beginners mind, without ego and preconceived perceptions.”  How can we look at an incident such as this and  instead of using our energy to point fingers use our energy to continue to grow and be the best human we can be for these incredible beings.  Lead by example and allow curiosity to lead the way.  Allow your intuition to become your quiding light.  I am a firm believer that what energy we put into the world we recieve more of.  When we know better, do better.  

As Maya Angelou beautifully quoted:

“I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.”

For the Love of Horses

Marie Pruden

Horsemanship Through Mindfulness


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