
Showing posts from July, 2024

For the Love of the Horse, A look in the Mirror

                   For the Love of the Horse, A look in the Mirror For everything that is perceived as bad usually comes a lesson.  Some call that a silver lining,  a new perspective and if we are fortunate enough we will go within and become curious.  Human nature can  cause us to lash out, blame or stay in our little box of comfort and become defensive to avoid looking within.  In lieu of recent events in the horse world there has been a little of all of the above.  Only looking at one side of the equation creates bias and we lose the ability to see the larger more important picture.  In this particular case looking at our own values, morals and integrity.  We try not to judge yet it comes so easily, especially if we have spent most of our life with these incredible sentient beings trying to be the best we can be for them. We can hope that the event with this Olympian will spread more awareness to the horse community and create conversation.   Yet what lens are we looking from.